Am I Geared Enough to tank Heroics?


See topic title. I know I'm missing enchants (and a couple sockets), but should I be able to handle myself in heroics? I feel like regs are pretty easy even with a crap healer (hopefully the WoG nerf won't hurt too much), but I don't want to pop into heroics and not give the group a chance. That said, with the new perks to tanking heroics in 4.1, I'd love to get in on it :) .

If I'm geared enough for heroics, what about raids? If I'm not geared for raids, what all am I missing? I definitely want to ding 350ish in the near future so I can do the new dungs.

Also, what's the best way of getting enchants? Are there scrolls on the AH I can buy or something like that, or do I need to find an enchanter?
Okay, your avoidance:

Dodge 9.22%
Parry 12.37%
Block 41.40%

Total = 62.99%... You could definitely do better.


First, Green and Purple gems can be placed into wow gold . Since "Blue" + Yellow = Green and "Blue" + Red = Purple, you'll get the socket bonus. (I thought that there were "green" and "purple" slots, but apparently, that's not the way gems worked. There's learning even at Level 85 :/)
Reforge Haste, Crit, Hit, Expertise in that order to Mastery.

Hover over your dodge and parry stats:

Dodge rating of 966 adds 5.47% Dodge Change. (before diminishing returns)
Parry rating of 1402 adds 57.93% Dodge Change. (before diminishing returns)

Because you need more and more to go up 1%, it's better to even out your ratings to be closer together. So if you have a piece that doesn't have Haste, Crit, Hit, or Expertise to put into Mastery, you can reduce the highest other stat (in your case Parry) and reforge it to Mastery. If you have Mastery already on it, you could reforge Parry into Dodge.


You may want to change up your spec some... there's always debate on Consecration, so I'm not going to go there. Arbiter of the Light in the Holy Tree is rarely worth it. People like Pursuit of Justice because Heroics require you to move around a lot more.

Also, you may want to consider Grand Crusader with the new patch. Using it within 6 seconds of it going off, it will give you a Holy Power.


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